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Silver Platform

The Silver Platform offers senior-focused healthcare, safety, leisure, and welfare services using blockchain, supporting seniors' well-being through kiosks and mobile apps

Senior-exclusive PlatformSenior CMS DevelopmentSmart Senior Center Establishment


Silver Platform

Silver Platform

The Silver Platform offers senior-focused healthcare, safety, leisure, and welfare services using blockchain, supporting seniors' well-being through kiosks and mobile apps

Senior-exclusive PlatformSenior CMS DevelopmentSmart Senior Center Establishment

Providing tailored services for seniors, from CMS to MyData


Key Features

Core feature
  • Provides the Korean Senior Citizens Association's (KSCA) "Smart Senior Center Standard Model" uniformly to all centers.
  • Integrates diverse services such as facial recognition, telemedicine, body measurements, and dementia prevention into a single platform.
  • Offers systematic and continuous support for leisure and health programs verified by KSCA.
  • Connects all senior centers nationwide into a unified system, maximizing operational efficiency.
  • Establishes a new standard for digital innovation in senior center management with real-time content updates.
Core feature

Use Cases

Connet solutionConnet solution

Silver Platform Inquiries

If you need a product quote or technical support, please contact us. Our team will review your request and provide guidance and assistance.