Silver Platform
The Silver Platform offers senior-focused healthcare, safety, leisure, and welfare services using blockchain, supporting seniors' well-being through kiosks and mobile apps
Silver Platform
The Silver Platform offers senior-focused healthcare, safety, leisure, and welfare services using blockchain, supporting seniors' well-being through kiosks and mobile apps
Providing tailored services for seniors, from CMS to MyData
Key Features
- Provides the Korean Senior Citizens Association's (KSCA) "Smart Senior Center Standard Model" uniformly to all centers.
- Integrates diverse services such as facial recognition, telemedicine, body measurements, and dementia prevention into a single platform.
- Offers systematic and continuous support for leisure and health programs verified by KSCA.
- Connects all senior centers nationwide into a unified system, maximizing operational efficiency.
- Establishes a new standard for digital innovation in senior center management with real-time content updates.
Use Cases
Establishment of smart community centers
As part of the Ministry of Science and ICT's flagship regional project, the Smart Village distribution and expansion initiative aims to enhance the quality of local welfare services
Gwangju Metropolitan City
Establishment of smart community centers
Establishing infrastructure that enables seniors to participate in high-quality health management and leisure programs
Silver Platform Inquiries
If you need a product quote or technical support, please contact us. Our team will review your request and provide guidance and assistance.